Monday, August 31, 2009


Ermmm...It seem kinda empty here. Let me fill it up.

Hi. My blog is totally DEAD! So here I am trying to fill it up.

I know this is weird but i am having the feeling to make cookies.TEEHEE!

Maybe nak buat dengan kawan-kawan? Syiok jugak. =D Currently having blocked nose.

ITS A SIGN that probably tomorrow I'm sick.

I JUST FOUND OUT SOMETHING. Purple is the colour for Hari Raya this year. WOOTS! But sadly I'm not wearing that colour.

I think that should fill it up right? Maybe a little picture or two. WAIT.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hello bloggers out there! I decided to start blogging again. I also started to listen to songs zaman kuno. Those jiwang songs lah. Try to keep myself updated with the latest songs. Currently addicted to guitar a.k.a GUITAR FREAK! Balik rumah jer amik guitar main lagu. Jiwang ah. Teehee! Still new to this as I know only 10 or 11 songs. Skarang nak blajar lagu Beat It. Macam cool gitu kan! Yalah I know I'm easily facinated and impressed. =D WOOOOOTSSS!

I also want to express my feelings towards my friends.

We had our fights, (which I was not involved in) ooppss!
we had our laughts, (I'm involved in this one)
we had our smiles, (involved)
we had our cry, (involved)

But what I think is more important is that the memories we had being together and spending time with each other, making fun of each other and laught until our stomach hurt. I feel that time is running out for our clique to be together and spend time with each otherso this is why we should spend it carefully. But one thing is for sure,I'll remember the good times we spend together.